Sunday, April 23, 2017

Life changing

When I changed my lifestyle, I changed it for me. I knew it would be hard. It takes patience and commitment, but I knew I could do it. I have struggled and still do have some days that I do. But I am human. I am imperfectly perfect.  And I am okay with it.  I know when I get off track, and I don't let it defeat me. Instead, I just get right back to it and look at where it has brought me. Today I would not change this journey for the world. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I do what I love and and love who I am.

 From these lifestyle changes:
  •  More comfortable and confident with myself. 
  • More energy
  • Better mood
  • Eat better
  • Proud of my body

Friday, April 21, 2017

Eat more

Many of you have probably heard 20% exercise and 80% diet. Because our diet is a large portion to living a healthier lifestyle, it is important that we talk about it.

Eating the right foods is key. You need to choose the right foods to provide your body with the nutrients it needs. When your body has the proper nutrients it needs, it will change your mood and provide you with more energy. As I mentioned in a later post of mine, look at the foods you are filling your body with. You may be surprised that most of us have been filling our selves with foods that have little to no nutritious value do to lot of our foods are high in sugars and unhealthy fats or processed. 

You should also eat regularly. Do not overeat but do not starve yourself. Eating smaller portions versus larger portions of healthier foods is said to help increase your metabolism and burn more calories. What this means is that you can eat 6 small nutritious meals rather then 3 larger meals. Spreading your meals into 6 small meals (eating every 3 hours) throughout the day will prevent you from overeating do to it causes your body to feel more full.

Friday, April 14, 2017


It is finally Friday! Bring on the weekend, right?! I am super excited for the start of a fun weekend with my family. We will be leaving today to pick up our race packets in order to get them filled out and ready for tomorrow. Yep I said it.. tomorrow. In less then 24 hours, we will be participating in a hot chocolate run. Eek! Time flies when your expecting something fun.. at least I think so. It was like I had just told my family that I registered us all up for our first family run. Now, it's here. Well not quite but will be at 8:05 tomorrow morning.

I am so grateful not only to have my family participate in this run but also to be spending time with them all while doing something I enjoy. Even though they may not enjoy it, they were all willing to step out of their shell. After all, we are not all coordinated nor all athletic. However, it doesn't matter. We are all in it together. We are and will continue to support one another to be the best we can be. We will start together and end together. May not actually end together, but we will make sure each one of us get across that finish line.

Happy early Easter! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend with family and friends!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Dominate Monday

 It’s the day most of us dread. That’s right it’s Monday again. Yes, the weekend is over but don’t let it bring you down rather let this new week lift you up. Welcome it as it’s a new start. So... you might as well kick it off right! 

My alarm went off at 6 this morning. I could have decided to hit snooze on my alarm and rolled back over in bed. Nah. I told myself “not going to happen.” I was not going to allow my hand to

touch that snooze button, instead I choose to get up and get a half an hour of abs and arm workouts in. Monday was not taking me down. I dominated Monday to make it easier to go forward in the rest of week.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Path less traveled

Do you ever feel that when you exercise you take the same path? Are you scared someone will see you? Or are you just scared to adventure out? I am going to challenge you. I challenge you to take a different path.  It does not even need to be a path, you can make your own path. Don't be afraid. There is no right way to go. Be your own navigator. I feel that the best paths are the ones no one has been on. You don't need to feel scared, embarrassed, or terrified rather feel excited that you are starting a new adventure. Admire the new things you are surrounding yourself with. It will be worth taking a path less traveled on.

Be the leader not the follower.

Challenge accepted?!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Dress for success

Perhaps your contemplating on what to wear for your workout? To get yourself more motivated to workout,  choose workout attire that makes you feel great yet comfortable.  It does not matter the brand of the attire. I actually wear an assortment of different brands like Nike, Under Armour, and Adidas as well as Victoria Secret active attire and Gap active attire. I have the basics: crops, short, pants, t-shirts, tanks, and jackets.

Here are tips on choosing workout gear:
  • form fitting vs tight or loose
  • clothes that absorb sweat
    • avoid cotton- it is not sweat resitant 
  • clothes depending on weather-layerable
  • Supportive- good shoes and bras

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Have any of you ever done a detox? I have never done it before, but I am going to try it. If you do not know what a detox is, it is a cleanse that helps release unhealthy toxins that build up in your body. These unhealthy toxins that build up are caused because of the foods we eat and drink along with the products we use. Therefore, it is important we get rid of these toxins in order for our body systems to function properly.

I have done quite a bit of researching on the detoxes out there and realized there are lots of different types of detoxes out.  Even though there are a variety to choose from, I noticed that they are not all safe and healthy for one's body. Choosing a detox that is safe, healthy, and effective detox can provide lots of benefits for the body.

Because it is my first detox, I am going to try one called the 3 day refresh. I am very excited to try it and can't wait to see the results!

If anyone has ever done a detox please feel free to share information about it along with your results in the comment area.